2054 X3 30 xDrive:
Lease payment is calculated based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price for vehicle as shown and does not necessarily represent the dealer’s actual sale price. Dealer sets actual price. Please consult your selected dealer. Through February 02, 2025, lease offer available on new 2025 BMW X3 30 xDrive models from participating BMW Centers through BMW Financial Services NA, LLC, to customers who meet BMW Financial Services' credit requirements. Offer not valid in Puerto Rico.
Monthly lease payments of $699 per month for 36 months is based on an adjusted capitalized cost of $49,950 (MSRP of $54,625, including destination and handling fee of $1,175, less $3,675 capitalized cost reduction, $0 security deposit, and suggested dealer contribution of $1,000). Actual MSRP and dealer contribution may vary and could affect your monthly lease payment. Cash due at signing includes $3,675 capitalized cost reduction, $699 first month's payment, $925 acquisition fee and $0 security deposit. Lessee responsible for insurance during the lease term, excess wear and tear as defined in the lease contract, $0.25/mile over 30,000 miles, plus disposition fee of up to $495 (not to exceed an amount permissible by law) at lease end. Not all customers will qualify for security deposit waiver. Tax, title, license, registration and dealer fees are additional fees due at signing. Advertised monthly payment does not include applicable taxes. Purchase option price at lease end is $30,590, plus the purchase option fee disclosed in the lease contract. Additional tax, title, and government fees may also apply.
Offer valid through February 02, 2025 and may be combined with other offers unless otherwise stated. Models pictured may be shown with metallic paint and/or additional accessories. Visit your authorized BMW Center for important details.